Selected Publications:
A complete list of publications can be found here
1) Privett, G. E., Ricci, A. W., Ortiz-Delatorre, J., & Callahan, D. M. (2024). Predicting myosin heavy chain isoform from postidissection muscle fibers. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 326(3), C749-C755.
2) Privett, G. E., Ricci, A. W., David, L., Needham, K.W., Tan, Y. H., Nakayama, K. H., & Callahan, D. M. (2024). Fatiguing Exercise Reduces Cellular Passive Young’s Modulus in Human Vastus Lateralis Muscle. bioRxiv, 2024-03.
3) Moderate-intensity resistance exercise alters skeletal muscle molecular and cellular structure and function in inactive older adults with knee osteoarthritis. Callahan DM, Miller MS, Tourville TW, Slauterbeck JR, Kaplan A, Fiske BR, Savage PD, Ades PA, Beynnon BD, Toth MJ. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2017 Apr1;122(4):775-787.
4) Skeletal muscle fiber size and fiber type distribution in human cancer: Effects of weight loss and relationship to physical function. Toth MJ, Callahan DM, Miller MS, Tourville TW, Hackett SB, Couch ME, Dittus K. Clin Nutr. 2016 Dec;35(6):1359-1365
5) Mechanisms of in vivo muscle fatigue in humans: investigating age-related fatigue resistance with a computational model. Callahan DM, Umberger BR, Kent JA. J Physiol. 2016 Jun 15;594(12):3407-21.
6) Reduced rate of knee extensor torque development in older adults with knee osteoarthritis is associated with intrinsic muscle contractile deficits. Callahan DM, Tourville TW, Slauterbeck JR, Ades PA, Stevens-Lapsley J, Beynnon BD, Toth MJ. Exp Gerontol. 2015 Dec;72:16-21.
7) Chronic disuse and skeletal muscle structure in older adults: sex-specific differences and relationships to contractile function. Callahan DM, Tourville TW, Miller MS, Hackett SB, Sharma H, Cruickshank NC, Slauterbeck JR, Savage PD, Ades PA, Maughan DW, Beynnon BD, Toth MJ. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2015 Jun 1;308(11):C932-43.
8) Muscle disuse alters skeletal muscle contractile function at the molecular and cellular levels in older adult humans in a sex-specific manner. Callahan DM, Miller MS, Sweeny AP, Tourville TW, Slauterbeck JR, Savage PD, Maugan DW, Ades PA, Beynnon BD, Toth MJ. J Physiol. 2014 Oct 15;592(20):4555-73.
9) Age-related structural alterations in human skeletal muscle fibers and mitochondria are sex specific: relationship to single-fiber function. Callahan DM, Bedrin NG, Subramanian M, Berking J, Ades PA, Toth MJ, Miller MS. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2014 Jun 15;116(12):1582-92.